Thursday, 3 September 2009


Whoever said that we have not had a summer is the person who is locked in an office from 9-5. I feel sorry for those who are in this catergory. This is obviously not me and I am going to show you how me and my camera had a very good summer the best I can remember in a long time. If we do not explore this world we will call our lives boring. If we do not venture out and do things that we have not done before we will say there is nothing to do round here. I have made the most of my freedom this summer by putting myself out there and making the most of any opportunity that comes my way. It will mean getting up that bit earlier, as if you had a 9-5 job. It will mean that people will try to hold you back, waste your time or just not be on time, but you have to push for the best, make it the best, and dont give up until you are so tired that you are chatting some much rubbish you are not making sense and no one is laughing at your jokes, or so tired that when you are doing 100 miles on the motorway you are struggling to stay awake. Please Lord just get me home. I have had enough fun now. Sometimes making the most of your summer will mean you will have to do it alone. As my friend has just done going to Atlanta.

So it all started on the 23rd of June 2009 the day I was made redundant. This was a great day for me it meant no more work for at least the rest of the week. Little did I know 2 months later I would still be out of work, but here I am. That day is was blazing hot (in fact 28 degrees hot) and like what blendonites do and globespanites do we all go down the pub to celebrate our redundancy. So we all went down Blackfriars Bridge and sat along the river bank until it was time to get back to the kids, or the wife, the boyfriend or the empty home.

As you view these photos tell me what you think. No bad comments please. FMK74 x

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The Beauty of Life

Enter my world of what it is that captures the attention of me. What is it that I see, that you see or cannot see, or even I did not see whilst taking these photos of what I consider beauty. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I agree it is. So take a look into my world the world that Faye Mckenzie lives in. You may see my world as a bubble like living in the house of Big Brother, or you may appreciate the beauty that comes before me.

Once upon a time a long long time ago I was sitting in the living room of 77 Blog Street in Birmingham, me and my cousin were discussing the purpose of life. This lead her to tell me her story of how she had discovered an alien in her back garden. This flower in her back garden which to her looked liked an alien, was called a Passion Flower. The name was given because of its formation, the filaments which make the corona represent the crown of thorns, the 10 petals and sepals are the apostles, the top three stigma represent the nails and the five anthers are the wounds of Jesus Christ. Why was this flower called an alien? Is it because of lack of knowledge? Where did the name Alien come from? Steven Spielberg? Does that then mean that Jesus Christ is an alien? or is he the truth the way and the light? Tell me what you think? I find it interesting to know how easy it is to label things we do not know about as aliens or foreign, but when we have knowledge we are able to discover truth or even purpose of what seems to us as foreign or even unusal.

At the beginning the question was asked what is the meaning of life, thanks to my cousin we discovered that the aliens purpose in life is to remind us of the Passion of Jesus Christ here I have taken photos to help me discover my purpose in life.

All I ask is that you take a look at the world I see and tell me what you see. Enjoy! FMK74